Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv1 min readSoul Health Conversations with Deb: Meaning and PurposeSeason 1 opens with my dear friend and Neurologist Dr. Daniel Potts. We discuss life changing realities such as (even as a clinical...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv1 min read Journaling as Survival Journaling and writing have been a crucial part of how I've coped with life. I started at a very young age writing letters to Jesus. I...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv1 min readSoul Health Conversations with Deb: The Transforming Work of the Trial with Dr. Daniel Potts, FAANSoul Health Conversations Deborah M. Jackson, M.Div. Months ahead of my mom’s decline Heart to Soul completed one of its first...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv4 min readGrief Support God and Therapy?Grief Support, Faith Unbelief, Therapy and Depression Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv Defining Grief Before addressing such an important...